[nagdu] Counting The Costs

Pauline Berger sispberger at gmail.com
Mon Sep 17 20:05:10 UTC 2012

Hello All,
I am looking at all the aspects of how it will affect me if I get a guide
dog.  For the most part I can only see positive changes for me.  I know
that it will be a very significant lifestyle change and I am preparing
myself for that.  If you would be willing to share,  I would like to know
what the monthly average cost of maintaining your dog runs.  For example,
food, vet, vitamins, toys, etc.  I may be forgetting things I am sure.  If
you could help me out with this info, I would really appreciate it.    I am
on a fixed income and would like to know if this is a possibility with my
budget.  Thanks again!

When you are at the edge of a cliff........*a step back* is progress!
.....heard at Pacific Coast Camp

*Knowledge* is knowing that a tomato is classified as a fruit....
*Wisdom* is knowing not to put it into a fruit salad!
.....author unknown

Two things in life you should never scrimp on.......
*Mattresses* and *shoes*.......you will spend your lifetime in one or the
author unknown

Talk to yourself.......you will be guaranteed at least *ONE* listener!
by Pauline Berger

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