[nagdu] Walking in sidewalk less areas

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Wed May 1 21:07:09 UTC 2013

Hi Sarah, When I use Shaman, it is almost always sidewalk less as I use him
from a power wheelchair.The side walks here in Tucson AZ are not well kept
in most areas and there are a lot of areas that have no sidewalks.In the
newer areas and down town and in school areas,the side walks are pretty
good. Shaman doesn't seem to mind it at all as he just zips down the side
of the street and goes around parked cars.It is slower going on sidewalks
as he has to stop for uneven places and go around objects in our way.When I
use Neechee, I am usually walking,although I do use her with a manual
wheelchair sometimes.We mostly use the side walks but some times we have to
go where there are no side walks. On Sunday after my friend Rachel left,I
took Neechee on a night walk to Walgreens as I needed to get some things
that I was out of.They are doing construction on the road in this area and
I did not know it was that bad. It was all torn up and there were areas
with no sidewalks and areas of uneven dirt,holes and rocks.Neechee did
great and got me there and back home without a hitch.Crossing the torn up
street without the crossing light was pretty hairy but she did very
well.She made sure there were no cars coming in either direction before she
would take me across.Neechee is really becoming a good guide as her
training progresses. Take care, Mardi and Shaman and Neechee,GDIT.


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