[nagdu] guide dogs in high school

Brandy Pinder bdpinder at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 03:34:39 UTC 2014

I got my first dog at thirteen. I would definitely educate. As shannon said its especially difficult with teachers. They will try and pet the dog and you will kind of feel like you don't have the authority to tell them not to. One thousand is a small school. I attended a high school that had seven thousand. I honestly can't remember what I did in terms of education there. When I moved and attended a school with a thousand and I'd say the majority of them knew I was there. The school only had forty classrooms and was about four thousand square feet all one floor all inside. There was no missing me and a seventy pound golden retriever. 
Kids were really good for the most part. I had more trouble at the bigger school of course but in a single week I may only have one intentional interference if that. As an adult I get two a day... Lol. 
You could even do subtle do's and don't's around the school, maybe send out a blast email that's what I did at my massage therapy school. If there is a home room have them make a home room announcement. 
I am very excited for you. Keep us posted. 

brandy pinder
Alumni Council -  second vice Chairman
Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc® 
and America's VetDogs®, The Veteran's K-9 Corps Inc® 
Providing "Second uSight"® since 1946

371 E. Jericho Turnpike smith town ny 11766
Cso: 866-282-8047
Email: brandydp at verizon.net
Cell: 304-685-4499

> On Apr 2, 2014, at 11:56 AM, Danielle Sykora <dsykora29 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have recently been accepted to The Guide Dog Foundation and have
> begun to discuss details of having a dog in high school. Some
> individuals at my school were concerned about receiving training to
> learn guide dog ettiquet from the guide dog school. I don't know if
> this is possible, or even necessary. I always assumed it would be my
> responsibility to educate my school. How have those with guide dogs in
> high school handled explaining how the guide dog should be treated to
> school administrators? Also, how did you address the issue of students
> not complying with the basic rule to pretty much ignore your dog? Any
> advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Danielle
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