[nagdu] Welcome

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Wed Jul 2 22:42:57 UTC 2014

Welcome to all the new people on the list.Mardi here from Arizona, where it
is HOT!!My dogs are wearing their boots to keep their feet cool.I am an
owner trainer and have had all Siberian Huskies as my guides except for one
and he is a Belgian Shepherd.I work my dogs from a wheelchair.I am
currently working 2 dogs. Shaman, my Belgian Shepherd, I use with my power
chair and he can go pretty fast.He is a great guide and I swear he has ESP
when it comes to traffic. I use Neechee,my Husky with a manual chair as the
power chair does not fit in a car, and some times I go places  by car,
sometimes by bus. I also use Neechee when I can walk some (more like
hobble). Neechee walks slow enough for me to hobble next to her.For the
most part, Rachel an I trained our dogs together. I enjoyed training my own
guide dogs.I hope you all enjoy this list as much as I do.    Mardi and
Shaman and Neechee.


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