[nagdu] Introduction

Amber M thetraveler87 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 21:00:31 UTC 2014

Hello all,
My name is Amber Meloy. I live with my husband and my husband'ys guy dog in Oxford Ohio. I am not currently working a dog, but I have worked a dog in the past. A friend of mine gave me a hard time about having joined the list and not introduced myself. My lab was a black male from guide dogs for the blind. I graduated Oregon class 118. Yonkers had to be put down a week after our wedding. We were a team for five years before he retired. Our partnership was one of the best yet worst times in my life. Not much I want to share hear about it, but essentially, I made a lot of mistakes, but he was my first dog, and I was only 18 when we graduated. So anyway, I hope you are all doing well, and I hope I make friends here. I am finally considering returning to school to get another dog. I will not be attending GDB. They have decided that they cannot currently accept me into their program.
Amber M

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