[nagdu] A few questions

Shanna Stichler slstich at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 10:44:57 UTC 2014


Does your groomer put cotton or something in viva's ears during the bath? That may help solve the ear infection ppoblem if too much moisture is geting in her ears.
As for bad breath, I'd have a vet look at her teeth, to be sure she doesn't have a dental problem. It shouldn't be anything serious, but as you noted, bad breath isn't normal with dogs.

With the shedding, she is likley blowing her coat, which Labs do every Sping and Fall. It should only  last a few weeks or so. If it goes beyond that, you might have your vet do a blood panel and check for thyroid issues. 

It sounds  like you're dooing a great job with her care. Let us know how things  go!


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> On Mar 21, 2014, at 3:26 AM, minh ha <minh.ha927 at gmail.com> wroteHi all,
> I have a few questions regarding issues with Viva's health. Any
> insight would be appreciated.
> 1. Viva has been getting ear infections after every single bath,
> whether at the groomer's or at home. She gets bathed every three
> months or so and every single time, without fail, she develops an ear
> infection 1 to 2 weeks after. At first, I thought it was just a
> coincidence, but this is the third time now and I know it shouldn't
> happen that frequently. The groomer does clean her ears and so do I
> with epiotic ear solution, so I can't really figure out why these ear
> infections are happening.
> 2. Over the past six months or so, her breath has been getting
> increasingly worse and worse. It is tolerable but it's not the fresh
> doggie breath that she had when I first went home with her. I brush
> her teeth daily and she doesn't have any teeth problems. I know that
> sometimes bad digestion can cause bad breath in dogs, but besides
> this, the food that I give her (natural balance lamb and rice) agrees
> very well with her. I also give her flax seed oil with every meal and
> it really helps her coat, but not her breath. I stopped giving her the
> oil for a few days and the odorous breath lessened a little bit, but
> it's still definitely there. What could be other causes of bad breath?
> And are there alternatives to flax seed oil that I could give her?
> 3. She has also been shedding an inordinate amount of hair. Viva is an
> extremely short-coated dog and she never used to shed as much as she
> is now. Is it just a normal doggie thing where as the weather gets
> warmer, they shed their winter fluff?
> Sorry for the long post; I'm just trying to cover all my bases and
> make sure there's not an imbalance going on. Thanks for any help.
> Minh
> -- 
> "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty
> recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity:
> but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on
> their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." T. E. Lawrence
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