[nagdu] scavenging?

Julie McGinnity kaybaycar at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 15:53:14 UTC 2014

Hi Abby,

I went through this with my first dog.  First, I doubt that she is
hungry.  Some of the dogfood snobs(I say this affectionately) on this
list may disagree with me basedon what you feed her, but they will
know more than I do about that.

Here are some things you can try.  Do obedience, and bring food into
it.  Make it an obstacle course.  Some people say to throw food on the
ground, but you don't have to waste food.  Put it on a plate or in a
bowl, but make it fully reachable to her.  Begin by walking around
without the food on the ground and treating her.  Just make it clear
to her that food will come from you.  Then try the food.  You will
know when she is going to lunge for it because you placed it there.
You can also try dropping food on the ground while she is watching.
Do this as an obedience exercise.  I always tried not to make eye
contact with my dog when doing this.  What you don't want to do is
tease the dog.  Always praise and treat for good behavior.

How does she behave in the cafeteria?  Do you have a friend with whom
you can walk through there?  This person can tell you where there is
food on the floor.  Like a real-life obstacle course.

I promise you it is possible to fix this problem.  No, the dog won't
be perfect, but my first dog went from super scavenger to a dog who
could handle (by accident) plates of food dropped in front of her.
Hope this helps!

On 9/8/14, Abigail Bolling via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi all!
> At the risk of me sounding like I want a super dog, I have a serious
> question for you guys.
> Situation: I walk in to my bio lecture, and there is popcorn all over the
> floor from movie night on saturday! ′I was grosed out by this fact! I mean,
> do they not clean?′ Anyway, Jada decided to have a snack. No amount of
> correcting got her to leave it alone. I was humiliated even though class had
> not started yet.
> My professor actually had to come over and help me first pull jada away from
> the popcorn and then clean it up. Every time I tried to clean it up, Jada
> would go back to eating some I had not gotten to yet.
> She does this even with the GL on!
> A lot of people just say that she's hungry, but I'm giving her almost 4 cups
> of food a day! ′high amount because she is working a lot!
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you all! And like I said, I don't expect my dog to be super picture
> perfect, but she is grabbing things so much and not listening to corrections
> and I don't want her to grab something that will make her really really
> sick.
> Thanks!
> Abby and the Hungry hungry Jada!
> Abigail Bolling
> Wright State University: Social Work
> "Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart, and just let the music
> play." (Julie Anderson Diamond)
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Julie McG
National Association of Guide dog Users board member,  National
Federation of the Blind performing arts division secretary,
Missouri Association of Guide dog Users President,
and Guiding Eyes for the Blind graduate 2008
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal
John 3:16

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