[nagdu] Posting limits

Jen jenandnixon at gmail.com
Mon Sep 15 15:47:10 UTC 2014

Out of curiousity, what is the rational behind these posting limit rules? I
can only guess, but unfortunately I disagree with it as in this day and age
of technology, it is not a requirement; however, there is a few select
members seem to have the need to answer every post, which isn't necessary,
and most likely fairly new to the world of mailing lists and how they
operate. Sorry, but I'm a bit of a blunt individual and only this group and
an ACB group I am on, this seems to be the case, as I am on over 40 groups,
and these are the only groups these days that has posting limits in
place.... I'd like to see this as a topic of reconsideration however, I'd
like to hear from the moderation team why this is in place.


Jen and Aiken McEachen
Pampered Critters House and Pet Sitting Services
Email me to inquire about my services at: pamperedcritters at gmail.com 
www.pamperedcritters.ca / http://www.facebook.com/pamperedcritters.ca 

-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tina Thomas via
Sent: September-15-14 8:35 AM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Subject: [nagdu] Posting limits

Hello Folks- As of late, I have seen posts from the same people that have
gone over our 5 posts a day rule for this list. Now, I understand that
everyone is in different time zones and everyone has a lot to contribute.
However, We need to keep track of our posts and  combine topics as much as

Thank you. 

Tina Thomas 

NAGDU Board Member 

CAGDU President          

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