[nagdu] At times the dog is smarter than we thinki...

Daryl Marie crazymusician at shaw.ca
Mon Feb 23 16:07:59 UTC 2015

So last week I went for coffee with a friend.  On my way, it had started snowing, and Jenny was just so awesome about getting me to the door, finding an empty table (though it had no chairs at it), and laid down behind my chair while my friend and I chatted for two hours.

I decided to walk to the bus stop via the opposite side of the street I had used to get to Starbucks.  The snow had kept falling, but there wasn't a lot on the ground.  Jenny was calm as we walked down the street, but when we got to the next corner, she angled us so that we were crossing diagonally (there were no cars coming).  I correct her, but was running so late for the bus that I didn't make her redo it.  She took the next crossings perfectly, so I didn't think anything more about it, beyond a slight concern that she might be crossing diagonally because she is anticipating what I want...

Then last night I was listening to the radio, when I heard that the same intersection she crossed diagonally was completely blocked off to northbound traffic.  I was so surprised!  I know sometimes you don't get info why your dog does XYZ, but I am so lucky to know that's why she did what she did.


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