[nagdu] Getting in trucks

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Mon Jun 22 12:46:13 UTC 2015

This may be impractical, but here goes.  If you can set up some sort of step 
or platform so he doesn't have to jump as high to get in, it could be 
helpful for a couple of reasons.  Sometimes dogs are unsure about jumping 
into places they can't see.  Now that he's slipped, he is going to be unsure 
about the footing and having the visual feedback may be helpful.  The rug 
mentioned would also be really good.

Also as dog's age, it becomes more difficult for them to jump.  The other 
day Monty went to jump on my bed and his back legs didn't quite come up as 
far as he needed.  He belly flopped and then brought his back legs up.  No 
big deal really, he had a soft landing.  He'll be eight this fall.  Having a 
step would make it so Landon doesn't have to jump as high.

Our main vehicle is a large pick up.  The floor is probably at hip level for 
me.   I have to use the sideboard and the hand grip to get in.  Monty is 
slower at getting in than he used to be, but is still able.  When we get 
out, I have my husband get close to grass so Monty can jump out not on 
pavement, which is a bit jarring to the joints.  It's not always possible, 
but I've noticed that Monty does prefer to jump down into grass/soil rather 
than pavement.


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