[nagdu] choosing a particular breed and reasons why?

Julie J. julielj at neb.rr.com
Sat Mar 21 10:38:11 UTC 2015

I am currently working with a Doberman.   I chose the breed primarily for 
the work ethic they have.  She can be funny and sometimes she does goofy 
things, but mostly she is a serious dog.  She has an attentiveness to detail 
I have not seen in any other breed.   She loves to work for the mental 
challenge, I think. She wants to keep me safe, but more so she wants to do a 
good job.   It is the work that is motivating to her, which is a very good 
thing because I am not a very good cheerleader. She is incredibly 
intelligent and is a latent learner.  This means that I can practice a new 
skill with her a few times, she will look like she sort of gets it.  then 
we'll go back to it the next day or in a couple of days and she will be spot 
on.  She also learns from watching my other dogs more than any other dog 
I've had.

I also appreciate her tall frame, short coat and super easy grooming needs. 
she does require warm protective gear in the winter.

I am not a lab person.  I very much appreciate Jetta's more serious 
demeanor.  I had her privately trained for me because there are only two 
programs I know of who train Dobermans and neither was exactly what I 

I chose private training and owner training before that because I am picky. 
I want what I want and I am willing to do what it takes to get it.  I also 
very much love dog training and don't view the extra effort as work so much 
because I find it very rewarding.


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