[NAGDU] Using positive reinforcement instead of punishment

Yiska ichoosechrist2 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 22:23:23 UTC 2017


I am wondering about clicker training and positive reinforcement when it
comes to guide work. How do you get a dog to do the right task after
messing up. For example the dog misses an overhead obstacle. Normally one
would leash correct and then rework. How would you rework if the dog does
not get it the first or fourth time? Normally you would increase
corrections. Also for those who clicker train do you have a disapproval
marker like no? I am trying to use much more positive training but
struggled with my last dog. From what I have learned from youtube there are
lots of basic tasks for clicker but not much past that.

I get my dog in January from the seeing eye and am very excited.

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