[NAGDU] Dog Distractions

Bianka Brankovic bianka at andi-bika.de
Mon Feb 27 19:55:43 UTC 2017

Hi jordan, 

I have had different dogs with dog distractions. First of all, you should try to get a professional assessment to find out whether Belto’s behaviour could be dangerous to other dogs. 

After that, you can develop a training plan how to deal with this behaviour.  Tell your school that you don’t feel safe working this dog if nothing else helps. You need professional help here and you need it quickly. 

if you don’t want to involve the school and are willing and able to pay you can work with a dog trainer in your area. I have done that once and we did have some success. Depending  on how Belto was trained and which training methods you prefer you have different options like counter conditioning or plain simple obedience around other dogs. 

However, without assessing the danger first I wouldn’t try anything  on my own. 

The one safe thing you can do is to turn around and turn the dog with you when he wants to lunge at another dog and than let the other dog pass. 

But really, I don’t know you and your dog and my ditracted dogs were so different from each other that I wouldn’t want to give anny advice. One important thing though, stay calm. No matter how your dog acts up, stay cool and calm and don’t get excited about the behavior, do what you have to do, be firm, but let your dog feel that you know what you are doing and you can keep him safe. 

kind regards,


> Am

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