[NAGDU] need suggestions re kids without supervision in my apartment complex

Bianka bianka at andi-bika.de
Sat Mar 4 08:18:18 UTC 2017

Hello Aleeha, 

Have you tried talking to their parrents directly? That would be my first option, find out who they are and introduce yourself and Whitley to them. If this is not possible, work with Whitley with the children around. I would start with simple obedience with a lot of praise/treats, using a clicker or a marker word for good behaviour. 

With children, I do allow petting out of harness and even if it happens inharness I don't get excited over it too much. 

Once I had allowed my dog to run and play with a few small children at a friend's house. For a while, running children became a distraction to her. I stayed calm and slowed her down and gradually the problem did lessen. 

Just my thoughts. 

Take care,


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