[NAGDU] Training my own...again.

Julie Johnson julielj402 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 19:25:10 UTC 2017

I read all the messages on this topic. I agree with what others have 
said.  The Volhart, not sure about the spelling, Puppy Aptitude Test was 
super helpful.  If the breeder did the test at      7 or 8 weeks old, do 
look at those results.  I think the test is still useable with older 
puppies, just keep in mind that they will have had some life experiences 
that may have shaped their responses a bit.

I'm remembering that you have worked Dobermans and are familiar with the 
breed.  If my memory is correct, I think you'll be fine. If I fell on my 
head and you've never had a Doberman, then please know they are not 
labs! LOL  They have a very strong sense of self and real firm ideas on 
how things should be.

I got Jetta, my Dobe, when she was 8 to 9 weeks old.  I had her for a 
couple of weeks before taking her to live with Meghan.  I had a horrible 
time with housetraining.  Lots of pee on the carpet.  But with Meghan, 
there was only a couple of accidents. Clearly I am not cut out for baby 
puppies and housetraining. Meghan is also blind.

Monty was like 8 or maybe 9 months old when I got him and he was really 
pretty easy to housetrain.  Some accidents, but nothing insane.  Also 
for some reason I had new carpet put in after having him just a week or 
two.  Nothing makes you more dilligent on the housebreaking than new 
carpet! *smile*

Please do update after you look at the puppies.  I always love to hear 
puppy stories!  And Dobermans and owner training,  well I have to hear 
how it goes! *smile*


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