[NAGDU] Remedies for excess gas in 23 month old black lab's belly?

Miranda knownoflove at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 03:37:03 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,
It seems as though my husband's dog has excess gas in his stomach. He vomited once this evening, and he has burped multiple times in the past couple hours. Does  anyone have any tips or remedies that we could try to help him? Or, do we wait this one out for the night? Should we be concerned about something more?
During training, my husband noticed that he had to wait for Alec to burp after eating before giving him water, or he would vomit. He ate just fine during dinner this afternoon, but he did not drink water right away. He played with his toys this evening, and he drank some water in between play sessions. Park time was successful this evening as well. We have learned that this is common for labs, especially when they are young. Any advice or experience would be helpful. We have a hunch this will be a long night.
Thanks as always for your encouragement and support, and have a wonderful week!

Best wishes, Miranda

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