[NAGDU] Dog Brushes

Tami Jarvis tami at poodlemutt.com
Wed Aug 1 20:53:07 UTC 2018


I use a slicker brush on my husband's dog, Zay, when I can't find the 
Furminator. It sure does get out a lot of hair, but more hair ends up in 
the air than with the Furminator. I brush her outdoors most of the time, 
so that's no big deal. She doesn't thrill to being brushed, and I can't 
really tell if she is more or less comfortable with the slicker brush 
than with the Furminator. She doesn't require regular thorough brushing, 
so it could just be she moves around a lot because I haven't trained her 
to hold still. She is terribly jealous of all the brush attention the 
poodles get, though. /lol/

Anyway, the slicker brush I have is from JW Pet, which I ordered from 
Chewy.com for a lot cheaper than I had previously paid for less 
comfortable brushes. I also have a pin brush and comb from their 
comfort-grip line, and the grip is actually comfortable. Yay!

Oh, and with the Furminator, I have found that the way I hold the 
Furminator has a lot to do with Zay's apparent comfort with it. If I'm 
paying attention and hold it at a good angle and make sure not to press 
too much, she appreas to tolerate or even enjoy it. If I just grab brush 
and dog and set to with my mind on other things, she gets more wiggly, 
even though I'm sure I'm not pressing or anything. Or could be she's 
wiggly because I'm not paying attention? Hm... Anyway, don't know if 
that is relevant to you and your dog, but I thought I would mention it.



On 07/30/2018 09:08 PM, Julie McGinnity via NAGDU wrote:
> Hi all,
> My dog is lovely, but he's kind of a baby about a few things.  He
> doesn't like to be brushed.  I've delayed asking about this for a
> while and just tried to be as gentle as possible with the furminator.
> No deal...  He still doesn't like it, and so neither of us enjoys
> grooming time.  Is there a softer brush I can use with him?  Or is
> this just a lost situation?  It's possible he won't like being brushed
> no matter what, but I thought I would reach out just in case someone
> else has dealt with this.  Thanks.

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