[NFB-Hams] My Zoom classes this week

D. Curtis Willoughby ka0vba at dimcom.net
Mon Sep 28 03:15:19 UTC 2020

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Here are my two zoom meetings for this week:

First Topic: We have finished studying the question pool in
Preparation for the Technician class ham radio License examination.
The next phase is for us to give the students some sample
tests, and answer the students' questions in areas where they
are weak.  We are still inviting anyone who wants to try their
readyness for the test.  We will keep this up until all the
students are confident in their ability to pass the test.

Time:  Tuesday, September 29, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Second Topic: Linux is installed on my  simple computer.
If a student is ready to make a more complex installation on
one of their computers we will do that.  Otherwise, we will begin
to study the basic unix/linux commands.

Time: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Here is the Zoom information:

D Curtis Willoughby is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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