[NFB-NM] Fwd: NFB's rideshare testing program

Adelmo Vigil nfbnewmexicopresident at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 22:05:15 UTC 2018

Adelmo Vigil, President 
National Federation of the Blind of New Mexico 
575–921 Dash 5422
nfbnewmexicopresident at gmail.com 
We can live the life we want 
Blindness is not what holds us back

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Yingling, Valerie" <Vyingling at nfb.org>
> Date: January 10, 2018 at 2:55:28 PM MST
> To: "gyeager12 at gmail.com" <gyeager12 at gmail.com>, "State President, Alaska" <whitley.kevin63 at gmail.com>, "megan.homrighausen at yahoo.com" <megan.homrighausen at yahoo.com>, "Stigile, Robert" <rstigile at gmail.com>, "jessica at wefitwellness.com" <jessica at wefitwellness.com>, "mvcmelley at gmail.com" <mvcmelley at gmail.com>, "State President, Delaware" <Kat.bottner at gmail.com>, "State President, District of Columbia" <callaway.shawn at gmail.com>, "State President, Georgia" <gaikens at nfbga.org>, "State President, Hawaii" <nanifife at aol.com>, "yiskahugo at u.boisestate.edu" <yiskahugo at u.boisestate.edu>, "lhamric930 at comcast.net" <lhamric930 at comcast.net>, "sblanjones11 at sbcglobal.net" <sblanjones11 at sbcglobal.net>, Cindy Ray <cindyray at gmail.com>, "State President, Kansas" <topage at swbell.net>, "toniagatton at gmail.com" <toniagatton at gmail.com>, "maryann at jmendez.us" <maryann at jmendez.us>, "State President, Maine" <leonproctorjr at yahoo.com>, "tyler at tysdomain.com" <tyler at tysdomain.com>, "State President, Minnesota" <ryan.strunk at gmail.com>, "State President, Mississippi" <president.nfbms at gmail.com>, "RobynWallen at Juno.com" <RobynWallen at Juno.com>, "President at NAGDU.ORG" <President at NAGDU.ORG>, "kayde.dawn at gmail.com" <kayde.dawn at gmail.com>, "State President, Nevada" <terri.rupp at gmail.com>, "State President, New Hampshire" <cemcnabb21 at yahoo.com>, "Ginger at ky2d.com" <Ginger at ky2d.com>, "tmatzick06 at gmail.com" <tmatzick06 at gmail.com>, "treasurer at nfbny.org" <treasurer at nfbny.org>, "State President, North Carolina" <Weddington.sharon at gmail.com>, "sherrybeth7 at gmail.com" <sherrybeth7 at gmail.com>, "deannakay03 at gmail.com" <deannakay03 at gmail.com>, "cathytuton at gmail.com" <cathytuton at gmail.com>, "angelmray77 at gmail.com" <angelmray77 at gmail.com>, "State President, Pennsylvania" <lynnelaine2 at verizon.net>, "State President, Puerto Rico" <arguza at attglobal.net>, "State President, Rhode Island" <silvara at cox.net>, "cookcafe at sc.rr.com" <cookcafe at sc.rr.com>, "fallsnfb at gmail.com" <fallsnfb at gmail.com>, "Boehm, Jimmy" <secretary at nfb-tn.org>, "lsowell at nfbtx.org" <lsowell at nfbtx.org>, "iammarn at yahoo.com" <iammarn at yahoo.com>, "State President, Vermont" <micah.ranquist at gmail.com>, "michaeldforzano at gmail.com" <michaeldforzano at gmail.com>, "State President, West Virginia" <cs.nfbwv at frontier.com>, "setoth96 at gmail.com" <setoth96 at gmail.com>, "State President, Wyoming" <mshilander at wbaccess.net>, "State President, Virginia" <tracy.soforenko at gmail.com>, Merry Schoch <merrys at verizon.net>, "State President, Michigan" <mpowell7583 at yahoo.com>, "State President, Montana" <breslauerj at gmail.com>, NAGDU President <blind411 at verizon.net>, "State President, Iowa" <jerad.nfbi at gmail.com>, "Gustavo.manzanales at dhs.arkansas.gov" <Gustavo.manzanales at dhs.arkansas.gov>, "State President, Maryland" <nfbmd at earthlink.net>, "shannonldillon at gmail.com" <shannonldillon at gmail.com>, "'Derek Moore' (moorederek at yahoo.com)" <moorederek at yahoo.com>, "State President, Idaho" <danalynard at q.com>, "grandstaffjeremy at gmail.com" <grandstaffjeremy at gmail.com>, "sbaebler at BISM.org" <sbaebler at BISM.org>
> Cc: State Presidents <StatePresidents at nfb.org>
> Subject: NFB's rideshare testing program
> Dear Affiliate Rideshare Testing Points of Contact:
> Happy New Year! As you all know, we kicked off our second year of the NFB’s rideshare testing program on January 1. Our rideshare testing remains an important part of our settlement agreements with Lyft and Uber, and your help in encouraging riders to complete the online survey is critical. We need to continue to gather feedback on the positive and negative experiences travelers with service animals have with Uber and Lyft.
> Please consider using the following social media messaging this month to reach potential testers via Twitter, Facebook, and your affiliate’s listserv.
> ·        If you use Uber or Lyft with a service animal, we'd love to hear from you https://nfb.org/rideshare-test
> ·        We value your feedback. If you use Uber or Lyft with a service animal, please take a few minutes to complete our survey https://nfb.org/rideshare-test
> ·        Traveling with your service animal to #NFBWS18? Don’t forget to report your Uber and Lyft rides via our survey https://nfb.org/rideshare-test
> Thank you, again, for your help with the NFB’s rideshare testing program. If you haven’t yet, please take time to review the related webpages: https://nfb.org/rideshare and https://nfb.org/rideshare-faq.
> Sincerely,
> Valerie
> Valerie Yingling
> Legal Program Coordinator
> 200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230
> (410) 659-9314, extension 2440 | vyingling at nfb.org
> The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nation’s blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want.
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