[nfb-talk] [Blindtlk] The Twenty-First Communications and Video Accessibility Act, H.R. 3101

T. Joseph Carter carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 15:54:35 UTC 2009

Mr. Frye,

Thank you for keeping us informed of the national office's actions 
regarding this proposed legislation.  My concern is not so much what 
the authors intend, but what the bill would permit or require.  While 
I saw nothing onerous in the bill, I am not yet even a first year law 
student.  I fear that I may miss something of importance.

I trust that the bill is being scrutinized by the best, and if there 
should be some particularly objectionable language within, we shall 
soon know what it is.

Thanks again,


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On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 05:43:32PM -0400, Frye, Dan wrote:
>List Colleagues:
>The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is aware of the Twenty-First
>Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act, H.R. 3101, that
>Representative Ed Markey introduced earlier this summer. The NFB
>congratulates Representative Markey, his staff, and others involved in
>the drafting of this bill for addressing some of the priority issues
>that we have long identified as important to blind people. Specifically,
>we are pleased to see that the legislation will require verbalization of
>scrolled emergency and informational text appearing on television
>screens, provision of assistive technology for the deaf-blind community,
>and other consumer-friendly elements that may enhance quality-of-life
>experiences for all concerned.
>The NFB is conducting further evaluation of this legislation while we
>seek clarification from the bill's author and supporters on the precise
>meaning and implications of several key terms and provisions of the
>legislation. When we have completed our assessment, the NFB will
>indicate to our membership and those interested our formal position on
>the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act.
>Thank you.
>Daniel B. Frye, J.D.
>Associate Editor
>The Braille Monitor
>National Federation of the Blind
>Office of the President
>1800 Johnson Street
>Baltimore, Maryland 21230
>Telephone: (410) 659-9314 Ext. 2208
>Mobile: (410) 241-7006
>Fax: (410) 685-5653
>Email: DFrye at nfb.org
>Web Address: www.nfb.org <http://www.nfb.org/> 
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>The Braille literacy crisis in America jeopardizes opportunities for
>blind people throughout the country.
>You can be part of the solution.

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