[nfb-talk] Fwd: Attention Disability Colleagues!! FTA Civil Rights Training, Washington, DC - December 2-4, 2009. Disability Organizations are strongly encouraged to register only for day 1 - ADA Day.

Carol Castellano blindchildren at verizon.net
Sun Oct 18 23:36:33 UTC 2009

I received this notice from a disability 
organization in VA.  Would you please forward to 
any lists that you think might be interested.

Carol Castellano, President
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
carol_castellano at verizon.net

Subject: Attention Disability Colleagues!! FTA Civil Rights Training,
>  Washington, DC - December 2-4, 2009. Disability Organizations are strongly
>  encouraged to register only for day 1 -  ADA Day.
>Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:25:26 -0400
>From: "Konoka Izumi" <KonokaI at ecnv.org>
>To: "Konoka Izumi" <KonokaI at ecnv.org>
>  Federal Transit Administration
>Office of Civil Rights
>Civil Rights Training
>December 2 - 4, 2009
>Washington, DC
>The Federal Transit Administration’s Office of 
>Civil Rights invites its grant recipients and 
>other interested stakeholders in all FTA Regions 
>to attend a three-day training on FTA’s civil 
>rights requirements and guidance.  The training 
>will review federal laws, regulations, executive 
>orders, and guidance covering the Americans with 
>Disabilities Act, Title VI of the Civil Rights 
>Act of 1964, and the U.S. Department of 
>Transportation’s Disadvantaged Business 
>Enterprise (DBE) Program.  This training will 
>also discuss recently implemented and proposed 
>updates to existing FTA civil rights directives and guidelines.
>This training will help practitioners better 
>understand the importance of civil rights 
>considerations in transportation and transit 
>planning, project development, investment, and 
>operations.  Participants will be able to apply 
>the content learned during this course to their 
>daily work activities and local environment.
>Participants will also have the opportunity to 
>provide the FTA with feedback on challenges and 
>opportunities that they have experienced in 
>implementing Federal civil rights directives and 
>to share examples of effective or promising 
>practices that could be adopted by state, 
>regional, and local agencies or community-based organizations.
>Scholarships for travel expenses are available!
>This training will be held at the Westin 
>Arlington Gateway located at 801 North Glebe 
>Road, Arlington, VA 22203. Hotel rooms are 
>available on a first-come first-serve basis. To 
>reserve a room at the group discount rate of 
>$207/night, call 1-888-627-7076 or 703-717-6200 
>and mention the FTA Workshop.  The room 
>registration cut-off date is November 13, 2009.
>Reservation Deadline: Workshop reservations must 
>be made by November 13, 2009 while all 
>scholarship requests must be made by November 6, 2009.
>FTA Civil Rights Training
>Preliminary Agenda
>Wednesday ­ December 2, 2009
>Morning       Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
>                    Overview and Updates
>Afternoon    ADA Fixed Route Self Assessment
>                    Complementary Paratransit Self-Assessment
>                    ADA Trivia!
>Thursday ­ December 3, 2009
>Morning       Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Overview
>                    Overview of New Title VI Circular
>                    Title VI Video “Divided Highways”
>Afternoon    Environmental Justice
>                    Exercise: City of Metropolis
>                    DOJ Video “Language Barriers”
>                    Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
>Friday ­ December 4, 2009
>Morning       Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) Overview
>                    DBE Goal Methodology
>Afternoon    DBE Fraud
>                    DBE Certification
>Layo Osiyemi
>Endependence Center of Northern Virginia, Inc. (ECNV)
>2300 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 305
>Arlington, VA 22201
>(703) 525-3268 Ext 8005 (V)
>(703) 525-3553 (TTY)
>(703) 525-3585 (Fax)
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   I received this notice from a disability organization in VA.  Would you
   please forward to any lists that you think might be interested.
   Carol Castellano, President
   National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
   carol_castellano at verizon.net
   Subject: Attention Disability Colleagues!! FTA Civil Rights Training,

      Washington,  DC - December 2-4, 2009. Disability Organizations are
      encouraged to register only for day 1 -  ADA Day.
     Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:25:26 -0400
     From: "Konoka Izumi" <KonokaI at ecnv.org>
     To: "Konoka Izumi" <KonokaI at ecnv.org>
     []   Federal Transit Administration
     Office of Civil Rights

                           Civil Rights Training
                            December 2 - 4, 2009
                               Washington, DC

                                  []   []

     The Federal Transit Administrations Office of Civil Rights invites its
     grant recipients and other interested stakeholders in all FTA Regions to
     attend  a  three-day training on FTAs civil rights requirements and
     guidance.  The training will review federal laws, regulations, executive
     orders, and guidance covering the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title
     VI  of  the  Civil  Rights  Act of 1964, and the U.S. Department of
     Transportations Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program.  This
     training will also discuss recently implemented and proposed updates to
     existing FTA civil rights directives and guidelines. 
     This training will help practitioners better understand the importance of
     civil rights considerations in transportation and transit planning,
     project development, investment, and operations.  Participants will be
     able to apply the content learned during this course to their daily work
     activities and local environment.
     Participants will also have the opportunity to provide the FTA with
     feedback on challenges and opportunities that they have experienced in
     implementing Federal civil rights directives and to share examples of
     effective or promising practices that could be adopted by state, regional,
     and local agencies or community-based organizations.
     Scholarships for travel expenses are available!
     This training will be held at the Westin Arlington Gateway located at 801
     North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22203. Hotel rooms are available on a
     first-come first-serve basis. To reserve a room at the group discount rate
     of $207/night, call 1-888-627-7076 or 703-717-6200 and mention the FTA
     Workshop.  The room registration cut-off date is November 13, 2009.
     Reservation Deadline: Workshop reservations must be made by November 13,
     2009 while all scholarship requests must be made by November 6, 2009.
                         FTA Civil Rights Training
                             Preliminary Agenda

                        Wednesday  December 2, 2009

     Morning       Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)
                        Overview and Updates
     Afternoon    ADA Fixed Route Self Assessment
                        Complementary Paratransit Self-Assessment
                        ADA Trivia!

                         Thursday  December 3, 2009

     Morning       Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Overview
                        Overview of New Title VI Circular
                        Title VI Video Divided Highways
     Afternoon    Environmental Justice
                        Exercise: City of Metropolis
                        DOJ Video Language Barriers
                        Limited English Proficiency (LEP)

                          Friday  December 4, 2009

     Morning       Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (DBE) Overview
                        DBE Goal Methodology
     Afternoon    DBE Fraud
                        DBE Certification

     Layo Osiyemi
     Endependence Center of Northern Virginia, Inc. (ECNV)
     2300 Clarendon Blvd. Suite 305
     Arlington, VA 22201
     (703) 525-3268 Ext 8005 (V)
     (703) 525-3553 (TTY)
     (703) 525-3585 (Fax)


   1. http://www.nfb.org/nopbc
   2. http://www.ecnv.org/
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