[nfb-talk] Rehab center class question

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Thu Oct 20 03:15:34 UTC 2011

Hey you all, 2 things --- 

#1 Michael and your "Blindness 101" class: do check out the 154 THOUGHT
PROVOKERS that can be found upon my personal website (URL at the bottom of
this message).

#2 And hey you all! Thank you for the kind words about THOUGHT PROVOKER. Its
run of 11 years was an incredible learning period for me. Thank you for your
part! And --- I do at times work out a new THOUGHT PROVOKER in my head ---
really should put it down and spread it around. I'm working on a few longer
pieces and really want to feel the satisfaction of completing them. 

Robert Leslie Newman
President, Omaha Chapter NFB
President, NFB Writers' Division
Division Website
Chair, Newsletter Publication committee
Personal Website-

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