[nfb-talk] Credit cards

d m gina dmgina at samobile.net
Sat Dec 22 04:37:10 UTC 2012

I was over at the mall and someone thought it would be a swell thing to 
use my card even if it brought down the account.
this happened to my debit card, where I have a question.
When I got my new card today it has Braille on it.
I am wondering if the national would take on having all credit cards in 
Braille if we share we are blind, so that we would know one card from another?
yes I have places in my wallet where I keep all of my cards, while I do 
enjoy the Braille on this one.
Just some thoughts.
I would write to  Mark Mauer if others thought they would like to see 
the same thing happen.

skype: dmgina23
  FB: dmgina
every saint has a past
every sinner has a future

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