[nfb-talk] Fwd: [EB-CAMFT] Fwd: [IB Healthcare] FW: CBO, today: 22 million more Americans will lose coverage

Karen Rose rosekm at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 27 03:27:21 UTC 2017

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Ernest Isaacs <ernesti at pacbell.net>
> Date: June 26, 2017 at 6:15:13 PM PDT
> To: ebcamft <eb-camft at googlegroups.com>, single payer list <single-payer-therapists at googlegroups.com>, "Save_CAMFT at yahoogroups.com" <Save_CAMFT at yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [EB-CAMFT] Fwd: [IB Healthcare] FW: CBO, today: 22 million more Americans will lose coverage
> Hello to all -
> Here are the grim facts abut the Republican health non-care bill, courtesy of Indivisible Berkeley.
> Ernest Isaacs
> Congressional Budget Office Findings
> “GOP is hiding the worst Medicaid cuts in years 11, 12, 13 and hoping CBO stays quiet,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.)
> Uninsured:
> 15 million more Americans uninsured in 2018
> 19 million more American uninsured in 2020
> 22 million more Americans uninsured in 2026 -- bringing the total uninsured to 49 million people compared with 28 million if ACA continues in effect
> Medicaid:
> slashed by $72 billion
> Medicaid Expansion repealed:  After 2020, a three year phaseout of ACA's Medicaid expansion begins, eliminating federal funding affecting 11 million Americans added in 31 states and coinciding with other Medicaid funding restrictions coming into effect at the same time
> By 2026, Medicaid enrollment drops 16%                                                     for people under 65
> Subsidies:
> slashed by $408 billion (non group insurance) including funding that helps low income Americans cover deductibles and co-pays, and that insulates enrollees from premium price spikes
> Uninsured Penalty:
> repealed
> lapse in insurance triggers automatic 6 month waiting period for new coverage (regardless of how critically ill one may be)
> Average premiums compared to current law:
> rise to 20% higher in 2018
> drop slightly to 10% higher in 2019
> drop further to 30% lower in 2020 (nongroup market)
> rise to 20% lower in 2026
> in a silver plan will be a relatively high percentage of income for low-income people, as would the deductible, and few low-income people would purchase any plan despite qualifying for tax credits
> skyrocket for older Americans
> Taxes (that help pay for ACA coverage:
> repeals ACA-imposed taxes, including ACA cap on insurance company tax deductions for executive salaries and income tax levied on wealthiest Americans, among others
> Essential Health Benefits Requirement:
> States allowed to seek waivers on essential health benefits (including maternity care, addiction treatment, etc.)
> Source:  Congressional Budget Office (June 26, 2017)
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