[nfb-talk] Bingo and Americans with Disabilities Act?

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Mon Jan 7 00:27:52 UTC 2019

This might depend on what kind of facility this 
is happening at.  The ADA only applies to "public 
places" so if it is a church, or private club, it might not apply.


At 06:09 PM 1/6/2019, you wrote:
>Hi all! I have a blind friend who regularly 
>attends places that play Bingo. She is not 
>offered braille Bingo cards and when she does 
>play, she requires sited assistance to 
>partisapate. She has asked me to look more into 
>these places. Does the Americans with 
>Disabilities Act cover Bingo places? How can she 
>navigate these places as a blind Bingo player? 
>Thank you for taking the time to read this E 
>Mail! Blessed be!!! Kendra Schaber, Chemeketa 
>Community College, 350 Org, Citizen’s Climate 
>Lobby,    National Federation of the Blind of 
>Oregon,  Capitol Chapter, Salem, Oregon. Home 
>email: Redwing731 at gmail.com Chemeketa Community 
>College Email: Kschaber at my.Chemeketa.edu  Phone: 
>971-599-9991 "When the student is ready, the 
>teacher will appear" Author Unknown. Sent From 
>My iPhone SE. Sent from My Gmail Email. Get 
>Outlook Express for 

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