[NFBAZ-EastValleyChapter] Chapter Meting Minutes for August 15, 2020

Tony Sohl tonysohl at samobile.net
Mon Sep 21 17:10:38 UTC 2020

National Federation of the Blind of Arizona
East Valley Chapter Minutes
August 15, 2020

President Amar called the meting to order at 12:32 PM. The NFB Pledge 
and One Minute message were read. February and May's minutes were read 
and approved. The rumba fund raiser was mentioned and the toatl 
deposits was $1,355.79. The total funds raised was $1,105.79. A motion 
wsa made and secconded to tqable Juen's minute stil the next meeting.

February through April's Treasurer's report was read and approved.
Checking account: $1,449.75. Caring fund has $115.00.
Caring fund: $114.00
Savings account: $12,648.10.

May's Treasurer's report was read.
Checking account: $1,552.52.
Caring fund: $115.00
Savings account: $12,648.96.

June through July's Treasurer's report was read.
Checking account: $1,539.
Caring fund: $115.00.
Savings account: $15,648.96.

The NFB National convention was mentioned and it was a success and we 
hope next year's convention is streamed. The NFBA state board meeting 
was mentioned. The NFB of Arizona's state convention will be online and 
the board members will be voted on in 2021

The NFBA state website is up and running and the website is:

You can register for the NFBA state convention till August 31, 2020. If 
chapter members who do not have a computer want to register for the 
convention, they can contact the board or chapter members to have them 
help with the registration. There is a 20 together campaign. 
fundraiser. Somaya talked about the special and the board will meet to 
discuss other voting options for the election at the Nvember meeting. 
Mark will look into other election systems and bring them to the 
chapter at the next chzpter meting.

The chapter held a discussion about elections and how to hold elections 
in November. Mark Fel.iz has some ideas and he wil bring them to the 
next meeting. The chapter held a special election and the nominating 
report was read and approved.
President: Megan Homrighausen.

Tony mentioned it's important to fill out the 2020 Census. The census 
helps with determining how many members of congress Arizona would need. 
The website is:

For those who do not have a computer you can call: 1-844-330-2020.

The chapter held a discussion about Meet the Blind month and we want to 
try and get out into the community if it's safe to do so. Megan 
suggested we have a seminar at some of the senior homes and tell them 
about blindness and the NFB.
Allison Hilliker wants to have a Braille read along. for children over 
Zoom and this would be vidceo so the children could follow along. The 
meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM. The meeting was adjourned at 2:35 PM.

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