[Nfbc-info] happenings in San Diego

Lisa Irving peacefulwoman89 at cox.net
Thu Jul 24 22:31:25 UTC 2014

The cat's out of the bag. Most of you know that after four months of intense
efforts we're an official chapter of the NFBC. We haven't been twiddling our
thumbs all of this time. Below you'll find some highlights. 



A meeting space was secured. Rapport has been established with a progressive
agency that equips persons with disabilities to go to work. I initiated a
collaborative project with the local CCB chapter. We are gaining ground to
get Para transit materials in alternative format. This process involves
motivating transit authorities to make their MTS Access materials inclusive
for blind, visually impaired and print impaired MTS Access riders. 



That's not all. Last weekend three of us manned a resource and outreach
table at the Braille Institute's Summer Fest. (We could not "represent" the
S. D. Chapter without an approved constitution). We are in the process of
following up with 15 to 20 blind and sighted individuals. Pretty cool. 



Our members will enjoy a number of free picnic style Summer Pops concerts.
Tonight a few of us are going to a Summer Pops concert featuring music from
video games. This Saturday a lot more of us are going to a Star Trek theme
Summer Pops concert. Two perspective chapter members will also enjoy
Saturday's outdoors concert. 



I just received confirmation about our participation in a September Blind
Surf Camp. We'll be riding the Coaster and volunteers will meet us at the
Carlsbad Train Station. Way cool! 



We have two perspective speakers lined up for upcoming chapter meetings. I'm
attempting to get a resource/outreach table at a local Department of
Rehabilitation sponsored Jobtober Fest event in October. 



Dwight Sayer gave me great contacts so that our chapter can begin to reach
out to newly blinded veterans. (San Diego is a huge military town). I hope
that our chapter can do a service project and reach out to our Wounded
Warriors that have lost their physical vision. 



We have an extremely enthusiastic Fundraising Chair. She and her committee
are brainstorming and researching fundraising ideas. 



Yes, like I said earlier, the past few months have been intense. Oh yeah,
three of us attended the National Convention. 




Lisa Irving, "President Lisa" 

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