[Nfbc-info] FYI FW: WCIL Executive Director Job Opening Announcement and Description

Michael Hingson mike at michaelhingson.com
Thu Apr 16 16:35:59 UTC 2015



From: Xavier, Joe at DOR [mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov] 
Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 4:41 AM
To: Xavier, Joe at DOR
Subject: WCIL Executive Director Job Opening Announcement and Description



Dear Colleagues,


The Board of Directors of WClL is conducting a nationwide search for a new Executive Director starting July 1st and is accepting applications now (I am retiring).  Attached, please find the E.D. Job Announcement and Job Description.  Please send the announcement and the description to all of your relevant contacts, listservs, etc.  Feel free to post on your websites or in your newsletters too.  We want to effectively cover the waterfront, so to speak, of the disability services and civil rights communities as well as the larger social services non-profit community.


WClL is one of the oldest Independent Living Centers in the country and has played an important role in shaping and empowering the Independent Living civil rights movement.  The ED’s job is challenging but rewarding and we hope the right people will apply.  So, we need your assistance in finding those candidates.


Thank you for your help, 


Kind regards,


Alan Toy, Executive Director

Westside Center for Independent Living

12901 Venice Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90066

(310) 390-3611x201 office, (310) 390-4906 fax

 <mailto:alan at wcil.org> alan at wcil.org





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