[Nfbc-info] California State Rehabilitation Council Seeking Members

Cervenka, Stacy@DOR Stacy.Cervenka at dor.ca.gov
Wed Aug 10 16:57:39 UTC 2016

Please see the below announcement. Please also note that the SRC meets four times a year for two business days at a time (eight days a year) and members are also expected to attend intermittent teleconferences, public forums, and conferences in the interim between meetings. While travel costs and a stipend are provided to each member, this is a volunteer opportunity, not a full-time job.

Thank you!

Stacy Cervenka
Executive Officer
California State Rehabilitation Council

California State Rehabilitation Council
Recruitment Announcement

The California State Rehabilitation Council is seeking perspective members!

About the California State Rehabilitation Council (SRC):

The SRC provides analysis and recommendations to the California Department of Rehabilitation on its polices, programs, and services.

The SRC seeks to be the voice of DOR's stakeholder community to ensure that the Department's programs and services are relevant and effective in assisting Californians with disabilities find and retain employment.

The SRC consists of 16 Governor appointed members representing diverse areas of DOR's stakeholder community, including consumers, advocates, service providers, and representatives of business and labor. 51% of SRC members must be people who self-identify in the application process as having a disability.

Would You Like To Serve?

The first step is to complete the online application and fax in the required authorization form to the Governor's Office. The application and authorization can be found at:

The second step is to complete an SRC Interest Form. This can be obtained by contacting SRC Executive Officer Stacy Cervenka at stacy.cervenka at dor.ca.gov<mailto:stacy.cervenka at dor.ca.gov>.

Have questions? Contact SRC Executive Officer Stacy Cervenka at Stacy.Cervenka at dor.ca.gov<mailto:Stacy.Cervenka at dor.ca.gov> or at (916) 558-5595.

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