[Nfbc-info] Accessibility Features at Universal Studio Hollywood and Disneyland

Miso Kwak misokwak12 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 18:06:09 UTC 2017

Hi everyone,
I am writing to ask if anyone on the listserve has visited either
Universal Studio Hollywood or Disneyland recently, and what
accessibility features you were able to experience.
During the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, my family will be hosting a
blind exchange student from South Korea, and he hopes to visit either
Universal Studio or Disneyland.
The last time I was at Disneyland was early this year and I am aware
that Disneyland offers a device that can provide audio descriptions.
Is there any other feature or service that could enhance the
Universal Studio, on the other hand, I have never visited. The only
information I am aware of is what is on their accessibility page.
I plan on calling both places, but I would appreciate any tips for
either places.

Any other  suggestion for blind friendly activity/attraction during
the Thanksgiving would be great too.



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