[Nfbc-info] CABS Washington Seminar Fundraiser

Matthew Gip matthewhgip at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 18:08:12 UTC 2019

Greetings Federationists, 

I hope the start of your new year is off to a fantastic start and that you will make this the best year yet. Washington Seminar is just around the corner from us and it is one of the most exciting and anticipated times of our calendar year because it is a big part of our advocacy efforts to make sure our legislative needs are being heard by our elected officials. This year, we have several students flying to Capitol Hill 
to speak on issues that affect the blind in our movement and we thought it would be a wonderful idea to raise funds for our student division and fundraise some delicious treats. 

The California Association of Blind Students will be selling See’s Candies peanut brittle toffee covered with chocolate. Each bar will be sold for $2.  These delectable and delicious chocolates are only found in California, so don’t miss out on getting your bars. The chocolate bars will be great to start off your day to boost your energy before meeting with your representatives, sitting in meetings, and more; you name it and we have you covered! If you are interested in getting your See’s Candy Chocoate bars, you can find me all week at Washington Seminar and I would be more than happy to give you your yummy treats. 

See y’all in D.C and let’s continue to build the Federation! 

Best regards, 
Matthew Gip
President | California Association of Blind Students 
Board Member | National Federation of the Blind of California 
Co-chair | National Association of Blind Students Outreach Committee 
Phone: (559) 375-2068
Email: matthewhgip at gmail.com
The National Federation of the Blind is a community of members and friends who believe in the hopes and dreams of the nations blind. Every day we work together to help blind people live the lives they want. 

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