[nfbcs] Improving Audio

Joseph C. Lininger jbahm at pcdesk.net
Fri Aug 21 14:24:22 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA256

I'm happy to ssee what I can do to help you out. I have goldwave which
can probably do at least some of what you want. I need to get some info
from you before we get started though.

First, what format are your sounds in? If they are in a lossy format,
such as mp3 or ogg vorbis, it is probably a bad idea to try editing
them. The reason is that in order to edit them, you must first decode to
a lossless format like wav, make the changes, then reencode in the
original format. This will happen even if sound forge or other software
doesn't tell you it is happening, as mp3 and other formats like it can
not be manipulated directly other than to do basic stuff like change
tags. My point is, you'll likely have an additional quality loss owing
to the re-encoding process.

If the sounds are in a lossless format like flac or wav, then I would
need to know the attributes of the sounds. sample rate, number of
channels, etc. The thing you have to understand is that while it is
possible to manipulate a sound to remove artifacts, change volumes,
etc., thereby improving the quality to an extent, you can't improve
quality by doing things like resampling at a higher rate or adding
additional channels. If the information wasn't there to begin with, you
can't place it there obviously.
- --
Stress (N): The condition that occurs when ones mind overrides the
body's natural desire to reach out and slap the hell out of someone
who desperately deserves it.
Joseph C. Lininger, <jbahm at pcdesk.net>
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)


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