[nfbcs] SAPI 5 problem.

Alan Wheeler awheeler at neb.rr.com
Mon Feb 9 00:53:08 UTC 2009

For a while now, I have been running the TTS voices from Lernout & Hauspie.
Suddenly, they don't seem to be working.  I tried re-installing them with no
apparent luck.  

When I select one of the L&H voices in the TTS tab of the speech settings of
the control panel, it gives me an error that says the voice cannot be played
and to select another voice or select a different output device.  I tried
all the output devices possible and no luck.  The MS SAPI 5 and Realspeak
solo voices work, it's just the L&H voices that won't.  Any thoughts?


Alan D Wheeler
Avon Representative: district 5390
<awheeler at neb.rr.com> or <alans_avon at neb.rr.com>
Messenger: outlaw_cowboy at live.com
Skype: redwheel1

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