[Nfbf-l] Happy New Year Raffle

Gina Minichiello minichiellog at comcast.net
Wed Nov 4 01:34:59 UTC 2009

Hello everyone
In case you haven't heard, the Happy New Year raffle tickets are now available for purchase. How would you like to get a call on New Year's Eve that you have won $1000? Your chances of winning are 1 in 500. Tickets are $5.00 each. The drawing will 12/31/09. All proceeds will go to our Florida state affiliate. Don't forget chapters and divisions can purchase tickets as well. It only takes one ticket to win. They would also make a nice stocking stuffer for loved ones or people who provide good service to you during the year such as your hair dresser, driver, etc. If every Florida member sold one ticket this fundraiser would be almost complete. There are currently eight chapters who are participating. Note, it is not necessary to have a complete address on the stub. A name and phone will be fine. I know some chapter were not able to attend the leadership seminar and did not have an opportunity to get any tickets. Please contact me and I will get some in the mail. This particular fundraiser is not really going to net enough to where chapters or our affiliate would benefit much from splitting the proceeds. I know the chapters need money too, and I'm working very hard looking for fundraisers where chapters will also be rewarded for their hard work. Your teamwork, patience, and support is greatly appreciated. I know we can do this. 

Gina Minichiello
NFBF Board Member
NFBF Fundraising Committee Chairperson
Greater Jacksonville Chapter, Treasurer
minichiellog at comcast.net

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