[Nfbf-l] Digital book players

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Nov 22 03:58:30 UTC 2009


The story is:  by law NLS and its libraries must offer the new 
players to veterans first.  After that NLS has recommended to 
libraries that they offer them to people over 100 next.  The 
libraries don't have to follow that recommendation, but most are.  It 
is then up to the individual regional libraries to set their 
distribution policies, people on waiting list first, students first, 
or whatever.

Most libraries are just working their way down their waiting list I 
think.  So, whatever your reader advisor tells you is probably true.

There were a few "pre-launch" test libraries that got machines, and I 
don't think they were distributed by the veterans formula, but don't 
know for sure.


At 05:51 PM 11/20/2009, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have conflicting messages about the new digital book players.  I have been
>told by my reader advisor that they are only available to veterans and
>people over 100 but I know someone who got one through the pilot program.
>I had called years ago to be in on the pilot program since I have been
>reading Talking books since 1962.
>How do we get one of these gems?
>Happy trails,

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