[Nfbf-l] several questions!

Rachel Jacobs oceanrls at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 22 05:02:03 UTC 2010

Hello everyone! I know some of you have not heard from me in a while, but hopefully you can understand how busy I have been being a graduate student. I am hoping some of you can give me some assistance with the new Manasota chapter. Our chapter  has not been up and running for even a year yet, and I  know things take time. I am extremely frustrated for several reasons. I know my chapter needs to do fundraising, but it is difficult getting mainly 80 and 90 year old people to do fundraising. I certainly hope no one feels that my chapter has chosen to just not participate. I have tried in every way I know possible to get my chapter out in the community . I know some of you have given good ideas for raising money, but these are ideas that take a lot of time and effort. Unfortunately I can not do everything for my chapter, and I am feeling more and more so that this is what is happening. I am very new to the NFB as well and it is difficult for me to run this chapter without  some help. There is no one else in my chapter other than Kelly James who has  known about the NFB. I am desperately trying to just get our group use to what the NFB is about. I don't think we can get right out in the community without knowing the basics. On the other hand, I know our affiliate expects us to be  out there raising money Do any of you have any ideas for raising money that doesn't take a whole lot of effort. I am willing to put in the effort, but I can't expect people in their 80s and 90s to. I wish I could have attended the leadership conference, but unfortunately I could not attned due to other things going on with school. As much as I love the NFBF, my school priorities had to come first.  


I was also wondering if it is possible for me to have access to everyone who receives talking books. I thought it might be benefitial to send out a letter again to everyone in this area telling them about our meetings.


I certainly want all of you to know that our chapter is doing things out in our community. We had a few members set up a booth at a low vission fair, and I was very excited about that. We are also in the process of bringing literature on the NFB to different places including libraries and doctor's offices. These  are small steps, but it takes small steps at first to get things going. 


My chapter is having elections in April, and I am hoping that I will have a board elected who actually wants to participate. 


I am sorry about the length of this e-mail, but all of this needed to be said. I look forward to any suggestions any of you may have. I am hoping that I will be able to attend state and national this year in hopes that I will gain more ideas and support on how to strengthen this chapter. .



Rachel Jacobs   
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