[Nfbf-l] several questions!

Dan Hicks danjhicks at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 23 22:37:48 UTC 2010

Chapter leaders, 

A Free Matter mailout from the Talking Book Library can be good way to
generate interest in a chapter. However, DO NOT contact the Mike Gunde or
anyone else at the library until to check with the NFBF State Board and
coordinate with us. The reason is that the library has a limited number of
volunteers and an even more limited staff to do the work, and the law does
not allow them to simply print your chapter a bunch of labels for you to
stick on your own preprinted mailout. We need to limit and coordinate the
mailings we do have them do for us. One of the most important is the
upcoming NFBF convention announcement. The library is good enough to send
out more than 50,000 copies of that for us to its patrons, and have never
accepted a dime in payment for time and materials. So, we don't want to
abuse this generosity by having chapters barrage the library with requests.
Again, contact me or any other NFBF Board member first. 

If you live in one of the decreasing number of areas of the state which is
served by a subregional library, please consider asking that local library
to do a mailout for you. Sometimes they will do it if you offer to do the
printing and deliver the prefolded and stapled documents to them -- all they
need to do than is print the labels and stick them on and drop the whole
thing in the outgoing mail. 

Dan Hicks, President

"Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is” 
                                    —Isaac Asimov

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