[Nfbf-l] Question about White Cane Law

Kori King kking74 at cfl.rr.com
Sun Feb 28 20:26:54 UTC 2010

I saw a news report at the beginning of this past week saying that a woman in a wheelchair had been killed crossing a street because a driver had hit her. He was not going to be punished because supposedly she didn't yield. Am I wrong, or doesn't this violate the White Cane Law? Is my understanding correct that it includes anyone using a travel aid including a wheelchair, even if the pedestrian isn't visually impaired? If this is so, I don't have names or anything, of the deceased woman or the driver, but I think he darn well should get punished. The bottom line is that a life was lost. What kind of message does that send? She didn't ask to have her life taken from her, and they should've taken into consideration that possibly it took her longer to cross than if she could've walked across. But if I'm correct in my interpretation of the law, she had the right of way regardless. Feedback on this list or privately would be greatly appreciated, and I kindly request that a copy of the law not be sent to me, just answers in your own words based on your knowledge of the law. Thanks much.

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