[Nfbf-l] [NFBF-Leaders] Florida laws-raffles 849.0935 READ

Dan Hicks danjhicks at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 24 03:28:35 UTC 2011

Fellow Florida Federationists, 


The "Double Your Chances" Raffle was conceived as a quick and easy
fundraiser for the state affiliate and for the chapters to make some real
money without a lot of effort and over a short amount of time. 


There has been some suggestion that we should change the date for the
drawing. Please understand that we simply cannot do that. We are committed
to doing the drawing on Saturday, December 17, 2011, and that is what we
will do. Make sure your name is on a few of those tickets and get your
friends to make sure their names are too. You and your best friend could
each have a brand new iPad 2!


The fact that the drawing is a bit over three weeks away ought to be enough
to motivate all of us to get out and sell as many tickets as we can as
quickly as possible. 


I know the deadline is close, but the immediacy of the date the winners will
be drawn and announced can be used as a selling point! Who wants to buy a
ticket for a drawing that is months away. We want to know if we've won right


Are you enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with relatives from out of town?  Give
them in the opportunity to share in a project that is important to you --
and they just might win a way-cool iPad for their help and generosity. 


Go out and try to find a store or other business that will let you sell
tickets in front of it  of it this weekend. Set something up for next
weekend and the weekend after. Get those shoppers while they are feeling
generous and thankful still have some cash in hand. Get all of your chapter
members involved so they can share in the work and the spirit of a truly
affiliate-wide project. 


Please share this message with those who you feel could use a little bit of
encouragement and motivation. 


Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving, everybody! 


Dan Hicks, President

NFB OF Florida 



"It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars."

                                                     -Garrison Keillor



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