[Nfbf-l] FW: White Cane Safety day in Pinellas County

Grant Downey grantd at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Oct 16 20:14:06 UTC 2011

The NFB Pinellas Chapter  joined The Pinellas council of the Blind in White
cane Safety day awareness activities on Saturday, October 15th. Debbie
Hietala of the Pinellas chapter and Debbie Downey of the Pinellas council of
the Blind and the picnic committee worked together to bring this outstanding
event about.


You could not have  asked for a more perfectly beautiful clear sunny warm
day. The  Sheriff's officer was given several copies of the White Cane law
and he is going to distribute them to his fellow officers. At 8:30 We began
the walked along a very busy street in Seminole with a Sheriff riding
alongside us with his lights on so that motorists slowed down and read our
signs. Those with guide dogs and canes walked about a mile to a park where
we then had a wonderful picnic with good food and games. Several lions clubs
participated with helping to prepare the delicious food for the picnic.
Debbie Downey  made up a White Cane history trivia game and read 
proclamations at noon from President Obama and Governor Scott for Vision
Awareness Month. 

Thanks to all who attended this festive White Cane Safety day event. Special
thanks go to Debbie and Chuck Hietala and Debbie Downey whose  generous and
enthusiastic help made this a fun and festive event.

A great day was had by all.


Grant Downey,


Pinellas Chapter

National Federation of the Blind

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