[Nfbf-l] NFBF 2012 Convention is History

Sherri flmom2006 at gmail.com
Wed May 30 02:35:55 UTC 2012

Dan, I want to commend you and Gloria for several things. First to Gloria 
for making sure the financial aspect of the convention went smoothly and for 
putting out all those fires that probably occurred during the convention 
that we didn't even know about. On another level, I would like to thank you 
and Gloria for sharing your suite with our chapter member Marilyn Baldwin to 
lessen her financial demands to attend this convention. Were it not for the 
two of you and your generosity, I know she would not have made it, and she 
did a great job setting up the Minority concerns committee.

I want to thank those who assisted me with my Senior Concerns seminar, 
particularly Gloria Hicks and Tom Ryan for doing such a good job speaking to 
those who attended.

I want to also thank my son Rhett and his girlfriend Stevie who assisted in 
running doorprizes, but more than that, helped get all of us from the train 
to the hotel safely with all our luggage intact. Stevie remarked how much 
she enjoyed convention and hopes to come back and help out at future ones.

I want to say how much I missed Jim and Kim Ellsworth, but also want to 
thank those who filled in on their behalf. Looking forward to seeing both of 
you at our next state convention or sooner.

And finally, One observation--leaving a tip for those who serve you. I would 
like to encourage all those who did not do so to please consider in future 
leaving a tip for those who work so hard to serve us--the drivers, those who 
help carry our luggage, bellman, etc. Often, these people aren't paid much 
and tips are expected to cover that difference. If we expect to have the 
rights of first-class citizenship, we need to take the responsibilities that 
go with it. The tip doesn't have to be large, people know many of us are on 
limited incomes, but just that little bit extra goes such a long way to say 
"thank you".

Thanks again to all for making this such a great convention.


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