[Nfbf-l] Deaf, blind priest grounded by airline

BROOKE6358 at aol.com BROOKE6358 at aol.com
Wed Aug 14 04:00:18 UTC 2013

I googled Father Axelrod also. This man has come to the US many many times  
and has attended many AADB converences.  He will be doing keynote address  
at Gallaudet soon, I read.  Many e-friends, all hoh/visually impaired like  
myself, have met this fine man, a very unsual man indeed. I never heard of 
him  until this article. He is very well known throughout much of the world. 
Hope to  meet him someday!
Yes, the social worker could be bumped up a notch or two in the 'logic and  
reason' department!   It is astounding for sure to realize Forrest  Gump 
really had it right..'stupid is as stupid does'.  He had a bunch of  these! 
Thanks for listening!  

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