[Nfbf-l] NFB Live grand opening announcement

Alan Dicey adicey at bellsouth.net
Wed Aug 27 22:33:04 UTC 2014


We wish to announce the launch of NFB Live, a  voice chat site hosted by the 
National Federation of the Blind of New York.  Our grand opening will be on 
Saturday August 30.  The day's activities as of now include games, door 
prizes, and a series of special guests and venders.  The day will start at 
2:00 PM Eastern with Carl Jacobsen, from the NFB of New York introducing two 
distinguished guest speakers, Mister Mark Riccobono, President of the 
National Federation of the Blind, and Doctor Marc Maurer, immediate past 
president.  Throughout the day, we will have a series of presentations by 
several speakers and venders.  At present, we are proud to have Art 
Schreiber who will discuss his experiences as one of two American reporters 
who travelled with the Beatles during their 1964 US/Canadian tour, and James 
Gashel who will discuss the KNFB Reader for iPhones, . We are happy to also 
have Dan Parker, blind motorcycle driver, who will tell us about his 
adventures driving in the Bonneville Salt Flats.

J.J. Meddaugh from the A T Guys will offer a presentation on his 
organization's products, and James Boehm from Kustomcane, will inform us 
about his  unique line of canes and accessories. We also will talk with Gail 
Smith about Braille greeting cards.  We'll end the night with a few games.

Our most updated schedule will always be found at:


If you're not signed up to NFB Live yet, go to:


Fill out the form and within 24 hours you will obtain a username and 
password with instructions on how to access the NFB Live chat site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Carl Jacobsen at:

carl at nfblive.com


James Gagnier at:

support at nfblive.com

This day promises to be exciting and informative. We hope to see you there.
Also, please remember that we cannot provide technical support from 5:00 PM 
Eastern on Friday  August 29th  until Monday September 1st after 9:00 AM.

Please feel free to distribute this announcement where you see fit.

Thank you,

Carl Jacobsen


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