[Nfbf-l] Blind problems: the new flat debit cards?

Jordan Norregaard jordanen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 17:48:03 UTC 2014

Hello to all the nFb-ers!  Although I rarely write to this list, I
keep up with reading it.  I have an unusual question about these new
flat debit cards.  For those who may not know, the brand new food
stamp (EBT) cards, and bank cards issued by TD bank are absolutely
flat, and have no embossing whatsoever.  The bank's logo isn't raised,
there is no true indication to separate even the EBT card from the TD
bank flat card.     How would anyone suggest marking them, I.E. (which
way does it go into the machine for swiping?)  For hotel keycards, I
usuallly bend the heck out of one corner of the card.  This sounds
infeasible as a long-term solution to the problem.  Other methods
include   cutting  a small corner off, or placing a hole in the proper
corner  with a darn good hole punch.  my concerns are thus--if the
structure of the card is compromised, would a merchant recognize it as
valid?  The card would be "technically damaged" and  may be denied
when you needed to use it.  One other tremendous concern, and yes,
I've seen this scinario...it goes like this.

Cabbie: here's your card sir.
me: ok, thanks for the ride!
I exit the car, cabbie takes off, hands me a flat card, but not my
flat debit card!!!  I see such a huge loophole for fraud its
ridiculous!    Other less important cards are similarly flat, I.E.
hotel membership cards, Etc.   Some would say, "just look for the
magnetic strip, this solves the problem, bingo!"  Take a careful look
at a gift card, hotel rewards card, (SPG gold card and Hilton Gold
card come to mind.)  Both contain magnetic strips.  What are anyone's
thoughts on this issue?

Jordan Norregaard

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