[Nfbf-l] Convention this and that

Gloria Hicks glorianfb at irescue-tax.com
Wed Jun 25 01:34:17 UTC 2014

Hello everyone,

In national convention we have banquet exchange. I have usually been the
exchange person. This means that when you are given your tickets at
registration that ticket must be exchanged. I will  go to the Florida caucus
on Wednesday July 3 I will come a little early to gather tickets at the
caucus but must leave early for another meeting. If you miss me please give
to Denise or bring ti our Florida Suite.


As treasurer I will provide change and a black metal box to keep checks and
change for the expiation table. Ideally someone will come and relieve you at
the end of your turn, do not leave the box on the table unattended please.


Gloria Mills Hicks TR

3708 W. Bay to Bay Blvd.

Tampa FL 33629

813 837-1100

Cell: 813 340-9754


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