[Nfbf-l] With Deepest Sympathy

Jean Selzer jselzer143 at aol.com
Sat Sep 19 03:41:00 UTC 2015

To My NFB of Florida Family,

It is with great sadness that I bring you the news on the passing of a 
dear friend and devout NFBF member; former Tallahassee president, 
Arlen Schwin. The only words that describe this dedicated 
Federationists best would have to be, brilliant, kind hearted and 
determined. For the many of us that remember Arlen and his pragmatic 
leadership style, truly believed that a sensible reasonable approach to 
the many concerns that the blind face on a daily basis, could very well 
be handled without a harsh vernacular or a belligerent brawl. I would 
like to honor this practical intelligent warrior for his many years of 
service to the National Federation of the Blind.

I would like to convey my deepest sympathy and condolences to Arlen’s 
family and true friends.

“May your soul rest and your spirit soar.”

Peter Cerullo, NFBF First Vice President/ / Community Care Coordinator

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