[Nfbf-l] 1st time ever had a great experience voting

Cheryl Echevarria cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Sat Oct 29 11:28:02 UTC 2016

Hello everyone:


I have been voting since I was old enough to vote, that was decades ago.
Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!


Anyway, when the accessible voting machines came out they were terrible,
never worked, and the people at the voting polls had no idea of what they
were doing. This was back in NY where I used to live.


Yesterday, October 28, 2016; I went to vote early. I like that you get to
vote early here in FL. I had the most respectful and enjoyable time voting
since I became blind. I went with my husband, they helped me with signing
in, I put my finger on the machine and signed my name. The person named,
Carl, who is the tech expert at the site, came over, asked if I needed an
arm, and took me over to the machine to vote. I sat down, took the
headphones, he made sure I could hear it properly and off I went to vote.
Easy Peasy! No issues. 


Way to go Florida.




Cheryl and Nelson Echevarria

cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com <mailto:cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com> 

321-245-7561 home number


631-456-5394 (Echevarria Travel) for business only



Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cherylandmaxx

Skype: please email me first we are not always on skype. Angeldn3 is my name
of Skype


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