[Nfbf-l] FW: job opening: civil rights attorney

Sherri Brun flmom2006 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 02:08:26 UTC 2018

Thought I would pass this on.


From: Sheila Young [mailto:sheilayoung125 at att.net] 
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2018 9:15 PM
To: Sheila Young <sheilayoung125 at att.net>
Subject: job opening: civil rights attorney


To read this vacancy announcement online, go to https://www.washlaw.org/about-us/employment/attorney-positions/763-civil-rights-attorney.


Civil Rights Attorney 


The Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs seeks a civil rights attorney to pursue litigation and advocacy to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities and in public accommodations.



The Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs works to create legal, economic, and social equity through litigation, client and public education, and public policy advocacy with a primary focus on racial justice. For the last 50 years, the Committee has been on the cutting edge of civil rights advocacy in the region bringing precedent setting litigation to address discrimination. Our work focuses on injustices in housing, employment, the criminal legal system, education, public accommodations, and civil rights of immigrants. We partner with individuals and communities facing discrimination and with the legal community to achieve justice. For more information on the Washington Lawyers’ Committee, please go to www.washlaw.org <https://mandrillapp.com/track/click/30489975/www.washlaw.org?p=eyJzIjoiOF80RlBNQTRhM3NwOGUtR2JWOWRWY0lPQ2xBIiwidiI6MSwicCI6IntcInVcIjozMDQ4OTk3NSxcInZcIjoxLFwidXJsXCI6XCJodHRwOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3Lndhc2hsYXcub3JnXFxcL1wiLFwiaWRcIjpcImY1ZTE0ZTNjZGZjZTQ3NmViNzVlNmE0Mjc3Zjg3MGU0XCIsXCJ1cmxfaWRzXCI6W1wiNGVjODAyYWJhMDZjZGUyMWM2ZGEyOGFiMDk3ZDdmYThmNDBiZTM3NFwiXX0ifQ> .



The Committee has an active docket of disability rights and public accommodation litigation. For more information on our docket see: www.washlaw.org <http://www.washlaw.org> . The selected candidate will work with other Committee lawyers, law firm co-counsel, advocacy organizations, and affected individuals to develop and pursue cutting edge civil rights cases and policy initiatives.


The attorney will be responsible to: 

*	Identify and develop with other WLC staff, public accommodation and disability rights matters appropriate for advocacy or litigation;
*	Conduct complex class and individual impact litigation;
*	Engage in policy advocacy with District, state, and federal agencies, as well as legislatures including the District of Columbia Council;
*	Work effectively with organizational clients, and in partnership with policy and advocacy organizations; and 
*	Work in partnership with co-counsel law firms and attorneys.



The ideal candidate will possess the following skills and qualifications:

*	Demonstrated commitment to, and passion for, civil rights and racial equity advocacy; 
*	The ability to litigate complex individual and class action cases.
*	DC bar membership (in good standing), or the ability to waive in to the DC Bar (membership in Maryland, Virginia, and federal district courts in the DC area a plus);
*	A minimum of five years of litigation experience. 
*	Substantial experience in disability rights law; 
*	Excellent interpersonal and oral and written communication skills;
*	Experience directing interns and junior attorneys; 
*	Experience working in a non-profit environment and with private law firm volunteers is a plus.
*	Bilingual ability (professional fluency) preferred but not required.


SALARY: Based upon Washington Lawyers’ Committee pay scale. Pay scale available upon request.



Please send a letter detailing your interest, resume, and writing sample to: wlcjobs at washlaw.org <mailto:wlcjobs at washlaw.org> . Please place “[your name] – Civil Rights Attorney” in the subject line.


Applications will be considered on a rolling basis and the position will remain open until filled.


The Washington Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights and Urban Affairs is an equal opportunity employer. Diversity is an essential component of the Committee, and we encourage all qualified persons to apply. Applicants are accorded an equal opportunity for selection without regard to actual or perceived race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibility, personal appearance, matriculation, or political affiliation.

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