[NFBF-L] FW: Mayfield Minute

ctate2076 at att.net ctate2076 at att.net
Sun Aug 30 14:13:21 UTC 2020

Hi All: 


I am forwarding this email from one of my State Senators because it has some information regarding the Lost Wages program. This program was created to assist states that apply, for additional unemployment benefits. This may be of interest to those of you who are still receiving unemployment benefits or have had a reduction in hours at work due to the virus. 


I have not checked the accessibility of any links in the below message, so be aware they may lead to inaccessible content. 




From: Senator Debbie Mayfield <debbie at mayfieldminute.ccsend.com> On Behalf Of Senator Debbie Mayfield
Sent: Sunday, August 30, 2020 8:31 AM
To: ctate2076 at att.net
Subject: Mayfield Minute


Mayfield Minute - August 30, 2020





Good Morning!


In Florida we know the destruction storms like Hurricane Laura can cause. My prayers go out to the people of Louisiana and East Texas as they begin to recover and rebuild.


While our focus for the last several months has been on the impacts associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, storm tracks change frequently, and we must remain vigilant and prepared throughout the height of this storm season. 


I consider it a great honor to represent District 17. Please share this link with your friends and family so that they too can sign up for the  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTKwjoS6AfycMqzPkvm1rcY6tcA7hBTOjsyy_2Ad3xFzASEA2mq3142lpDxqCyoaVXhzDPdxC4IuyMH-363yAZKyM61bCzUvT3g==&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> Mayfield Minute. If you or someone you know needs my assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. My staff and I are here to serve you! 



Florida to Participate in Low Wages Assistance Program


This past week the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) submitted Florida’s application to participate in the Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) Program. This program, authorized by a memorandum from President Trump, provides additional temporary benefits for individuals who are eligible for Reemployment Assistance for weeks of unemployment ending on or after August 1, 2020.


Pending federal approval, this will allow Florida (through the LWA program) to offer an additional $300 per week to eligible Reemployment Assistance claimants. To be eligible for this benefit, claimants must be currently receiving at least $100 in an approved Reemployment Assistance program weekly benefit amount and must certify that they are unemployed or partially unemployed due to the disruptions caused by COVID-19. Pending approval of Florida’s application, payments will be retroactive to August 1, 2020. 


The LWA program will be administered similarly to the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program. No additional application will be necessary. Eligible Floridians who are currently receiving Reemployment Assistance will receive their LWA benefits the same week they receive their weekly Reemployment Assistance benefits. 


Funding for the LWA program comes from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) disaster relief funds. Guidance from FEMA and the U.S. Department of Labor indicates that states should be able to receive approximately three weeks’ worth of benefits upon approval, with additional weekly approval being granted on a weekly basis, depending on the remaining balance of the fund. However funding could end at any time.


I will provide more information on the federal LWA Program as it becomes available. For individuals needing to file a new Reemployment Assistance claim, please visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTLmoJ5dkuBK-QotuRyRtxL0JNkUbgy59AWljb8k2ymOBbM_RSpBFS1wGqEJvSkXE9-f3onWFtF-oi9YZYUq9hWk1df4PCbP31P3O6-k_16EU5SLum6xipCfQyUSNNdlmTA0GyVgD9pUPFSe7-ZPwP0nAYNSasIWHZ-nAA_8LnzDXPRfGT_B3-GEdyaGy0uKXvQKVYHyzUJ1f&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> Mobile.Connect.MyFlorida.com. For additional information regarding Reemployment Assistance benefit programs, please visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTMlujrz3LTTmsKGO64z4HMeUN1ANW63eFb_LjLSMeo80UcKW7xMnfsFKSz_MenyXYaiIvURpqvTV0OwzxKK7_sd7s9Sh7Cm9-PsQVfCZ4F9p&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> FloridaJobs.org/COVID-19. As always, please contact me if I can assist you in anyway. My staff and I stand ready to help. 



Recommendations to ReOpen Long-Term Care Facilities


To protect our most vulnerable senior residents during this pandemic, Governor Ron DeSantis put forth Emergency Order 20-002 on March 11, 2020. This order, which is set to expire in September, has prohibited visitation to nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family-care homes, long-term care facilities and adult group homes. While necessary to protect residents from the spread of COVID-19, these restrictions have come at a cost to our seniors, who are struggling with the isolation and missing their families. 


Recently, Governor DeSantis organized a Task Force on the Re-Opening of Long-Term Care Facilities, which has now sent their set of recommendations on how to safely allow family members to visit their loved ones in Florida’s facilities. The recommendations address two types of visitations, including Essential Caregivers and General Visitation. To view the Task Force recommendations and provide comments visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTLJtB31YtG05fjzYd2ZVpZFw9cC8XGakmBnZdeO81OPqWsW25Ele7G2ncU7in6uDOHaZVcAC2YN2IYwwtKB3agK1IYrOJqPC0w==&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> FLgov.com/covid-19. 


I am looking forward to protective procedures being in place soon so that these families can reconnect once again. 





District 17 Highlights


Honor Walk 2020


Recently, I had the pleasure to meet Danny Garcia, a former US Marine and law enforcement professional, who is championing the Honor Walk 2020. His goal through the Honor Walk is to raise awareness and funds for a range of veteran and first responder charities through  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTCyCTdm5ukwDNHHq4zR-GVzn2Km2McAxipinpaXcw9goRrUfW1nZt-tThTP9D9TcRoacn3o87n-9GMKHhf9Ea3ieg-L37DVEtQ==&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> America Salutes You. 


Danny recently walked through Indian River and Brevard Counties to thank veterans, first responders and their families for their service. Danny will continue his walk throughout the eastern part of the United States until he reaches Nashville at the end of October.  


To learn more about Global Walk and Danny Garcia, please visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTCyCTdm5ukwDoS1RAC0JGXXiIAJ3Lz2A65yKblcc5ycCQlLhwbL5kBwDN58NHqmS1N6gwA1EKcMbxyDwgqzq600=&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> www.globalwalk.cc 



Indian River County Beach Renourishment 


Indian River County is transitioning from the design phase to the construction phase of two large scale beach and dune renourishment projects slated to start on November 1, 2020. The County will be hosting a public webinar about the Sector 7 project: 


Webinar: Sector 7 Beach & Dune Renourishment Project 

Monday, August 31st at 2:00 PM 

Webinar:  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTCyCTdm5ukwDprl1EFpYHTIBnYAiJVPapjInGt1cjibelaP7Nq5BLaQP3ZoAnqb5NwhwEMXrjEKgF7RM0K5HSv2dinBncGkuCA==&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> IRCgov.com/coastal 


The Sector 7 Beach and Dune Renourishment Project spans 2 miles from Treasure Cove Subdivision to Floralton Beach Subdivision. Roughly 295,000 cubic yards of beach compatible sand will replace sand lost from Hurricane’s Matthew, Irma, and Dorian. Approximately 53,000 native salt-tolerant dune plants will be installed on the completed dune. The Engineer’s estimate the project will cost $9.9 million. Through Federal and state cost-share programs the County will be responsible for approximately $4 million. 


The Sector 3 Beach and Dune Renourishment Project spans 6.6 miles from Treasure Shores Beach Park south to Turtle Trail Beach Park. Roughly 694,600 cubic yards of beach compatible sand will replace sand lost from Hurricane’s Matthew, Irma, and Dorian. Approximately 352,120 native salt-tolerant dune plants will be installed on the completed dune. The Engineer’s estimate the project will cost $14.8 million. Through Federal and state cost-share programs the County will be responsible for approximately $5 million. 


Visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTCyCTdm5ukwDnoYpUU17JTgFuimvMzSVlgGHHJXx13_N-szkknRPhUkw5sKE03vxdr3a_WJL5urfMfr_j6IGsvuZZYbRpBuOWzNxaw86GDgF&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> www.ircgov.com/easements to view which properties have returned an easement. For additional questions, please email echarest at ircgov.com. 



Florida DEP Resilient Coastlines Grants Awarded


The Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Florida Resilient Coastlines Program has awarded grants for fiscal year 2020-21. These grants are designed to assist local governments in preparing for the current and future effects of rising sea levels, including coastal flooding, erosion and ecosystem changes.


Local grant recipients include: 

*    Brevard County $70,000

*    Indian River County $75,000

*    City of Melbourne $75,000

*    City of Satellite Beach $60,000

*    City of Cape Canaveral $65,000


For more information about this grant program and for the full list of grant recipients visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTCyCTdm5ukwDbL_wH-yCpbyI6_r_ijTURQj2SiahF_o8T6WotXCItFChbAHf3VjdAokxDLPcjH9rARiZxahpyTNvdxjspcl-OpNADoMby60eutd6u1fYaa7tW3xvGFNr7IItHh4yrHfQwAdOin1cJOmaeH-_o49aOCovsZ6UzBCFPrYgN6Ie4Bo4xrpdfvjaCqc_fI3GpA6l9PCs_r0-kgOWm_rV-Oqx5Q==&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> FloridaDEP.gov. 









Follow me on Facebook and Twitter, and visit my <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTDuZwgQEId909UfZthHx316BhDQ1S1CDXP7QCiu5s0oTVRMFQLmCfJWgXhj1i3LXoNZDIbg6ybl6e5Fgl3RtwDBgrejfuSXhnLT9NHc6Lf3q&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==>   <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTDuZwgQEId909UfZthHx316BhDQ1S1CDXP7QCiu5s0oTVRMFQLmCfJWgXhj1i3LXoNZDIbg6ybl6e5Fgl3RtwDBgrejfuSXhnLT9NHc6Lf3q&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> Senate website 


 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTDuZwgQEId90s7h62rukDfYZuHId19DgPyHwbnZlwf4K7FNjh6FnGUr5qE7IK9hog2GNFHdaTjx30gUWfCBh1_9DDO6G82WM57lHUUQ1-KxLp1R5WeQwAZSZAdiSS6s2pw==&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> ‌  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTDuZwgQEId90B-Lev-kd13_BJxwWzEtXF90va-siGbI5KtoIF2m5QzQM1yHcfA6zxUX_MKOvHtIheA3J3aSJQng1iFwEYCWUZR0VnC0MFVUf&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> ‌ 



Contact Information


Melbourne Office

900 E. Strawbridge Ave.

Melbourne, FL 32901

(321) 409-2025

Staff:  <mailto:cronebaugh.adrienne at flsenate.gov> Adrienne Cronebaugh 

 <mailto:currey.kaitlyn at flsenate.gov> Kaitlyn Currey

 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XLqZh7FWnCF8DzcsFE9RQ76pKa_utxLwqSfaj_O2HFxDXaCBlZJcTB9FWGzWBv0yyFl1psSJnlNd7STki4P7TAXxEmUMZUsghte1tldmApS16DXJ-r_D1Cq-xEEYRcpVI72BQbVIuw8KEkTVd4Un7oGz5b5t8xWI&c=n-2LWDtOgW22c2ZcFCSRWY8skAX83aAbl8PTbrmRffqy2qlWzOPZkg==&ch=dXQjFrdIdNTHXv7p755EvJ7sZa6iQmwRcC3nL3r0qoFjh_aqHFkVIg==> Yvette Campbell


Tallahassee Office

322 Senate Office Building

404 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

(850) 487-5017


Vero Beach Office

Administration Building B

1801 27th Street

Vero Beach, FL 32960

(772) 226-1970 

Staff:  <mailto:dimond.jacob at flsenate.gov> Jacob Dimond 





Florida Senate | 404 South Monroe Street, 322 Senate Office Building, Tallahassee, FL 32399 

 <https://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001ntOieGpZ56eiUqP8P1LN_w%3D&ch=c90e1c80-20b7-11e9-82a6-d4ae5292c4bc&ca=2cc02027-fcac-4a7e-8c22-8f171090c537> Unsubscribe ctate2076 at att.net 

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 <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=nge&rmc=VF19_3GE> Try email marketing for free today! 


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