[NFBF-L] Disability Inclusion at the Workplace: Why it Matters? | COMTO National

Nicole D Fincham-Shehan ndfinchamshehan at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 23 02:13:45 UTC 2021

Hello All

I hope this finds you well. This was an article that was written about myself and I wanted to share it with everyone. I am a member of the conferences of minority transit officials and this article was done by our cochair of the accessibility committee on the national level. It wanted to Spotlight individuals with disabilities having roles in transit agencies, but especially diversifying our workforce regardless of what type of employment it is. Hope that you all enjoy.

I pray that you all remain healthy and safe during this pandemic.


Nicole D. Fincham-Shehan 
ADA Consultant
Health Educator 
Work Phone: 561-366-7841
Cell Phone: 410-493-4461 
Email Address: ndfinchamshehan at yahoo.com 

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